Lots of business websites need to post a quick announcement. Maybe you’re closing for a holiday, maybe a major storm is causing problems, or maybe you’ve got a limited time special to announce. Whatever the reason, we get a lot of requests to add a simple announcement to websites.
So here’s a simple and fast way to add an announcement to your WordPress website.
Add a WordPress Announcement Bar
To get our announcement bar we’re going to use Top Bar. It’s a great plugin and I’ve been using it for years. The basic version is free and covers the needs of most website owners.
Want to watch the video guiding you through the steps?
Setting up Top Bar
To get started, install the Top Bar plugin.
Once it’s activated you’ll go Top Bar in the left hand menu in the WordPress admin area.
From here you’ll edit your bar. Remember to set the status to ‘Active’ in order to make your announcement live.

You’ll enter your content and select if you need to have a button or not. Then you’ll set your color, you can use this to match your brand colors.
By default the Top Bar uses the Helvetica font and white text at 15px. If you want to override this, you will need to do so with custom CSS. Below is a CSS snippet that you can add to your CSS (Customizer > CSS or use a child theme) to change the font properties.
#tpbr_box { font-family: 'Muli',sans-serif !important; color: black !important; }
The above CSS block will change the font to Muli and the color to black. The !important tag is used as the box is styled using inline styling.