Worry-Free WordPress
Care Plans & Maintenance

Why you need one

A website care plan frees up your time to run your business, not worry about your website.

Think about it this way – you rely on your car and unless you are a mechanic you aren’t going to do the maintenance yourself. Your business relies on its website and unless you are a web developer you shouldn’t be trying to do everything yourself.

Many of our clients have told us maintenance plans have saved them hours a month as well as provided a lot of peace of mind.

What is it?

A maintenance plan for your website is a business investment. Much like hiring a maintenance firm for an apartment building.

WordPress care plans include backing up your website to secure off-site storage, scanning your website for security issues, and taking care when updating your site that it doesn’t suddenly go down.

They also include uptime monitoring, so that if your site does go offline it can be taken care of without you ever lifting a finger.

Doesn’t my hosting company handle it?

Your hosting company is responsible for providing and maintaining servers. Server issue taking down every site on the server? They solve that. That’s it.

Hosting companies are not responsible for your website and don’t know when just your site goes down.

A lot of the managed hosting companies make it sound like everything is taken care of — but it’s not. If there’s an issue they may help you diagnose, but solving it is your responsibility.

“Gen did an amazing job on my website, and helped me with great advice along with way. Her skills are very strong, and she recommended changes to my site that will keep it running better. She was extremely patient & helpful, and she has definitely motivated me to keep my site updated & maintained! I’m so happy with the final project & I can’t thank her enough! Gen is the best!” – Pam G

Maintenance Plan Options:

Want to know which plan level you are eligible for? Scroll down below the chart for “which plan level is right for you”.



  • Uptime monitoring @ 5 min
  • SSL monitoring
  • Daily Backups
  • Premium Security Setup
  • Daily Security Scans
  • 2x Monthly WordPress Updates
  • 2x Monthly Comment Spam Cleanout
  • 2x Monthly Database Optimization
  • Monthly Report
  • Quarterly Security Audits
  • Premium plugins worth $366/year

Features Not Included:



  • Uptime monitoring @ 5 min
  • SSL monitoring
  • Daily Backups
  • Premium Security Setup
  • Daily Security Scans
  • Weekly WordPress Updates
  • Weekly Comment Spam Cleanout
  • Weekly Database Optimization
  • Monthly Report
  • Monthly Security Audits
  • Quarterly 404 Checks & Fixes
  • Quarterly Domain Reputation Checks
  • Premium plugins worth over $595/year
  • Yearly website reviews & suggestions

Features Not Included:

Extra TLC


  • Uptime monitoring @ 1 min
  • SSL monitoring
  • 4x Daily Backups
  • Premium Security Setup
  • Daily Security Scans
  • Weekly WordPress Updates
  • Weekly Comment Spam Cleanout
  • Weekly Database Optimization
  • Monthly Report
  • Monthly Security Audits
  • Monthly 404 Checks & Fixes
  • Quarterly Domain Reputation Checks
  • Premium plugins worth over $595/year
  • Staging Site for WooCommerce or Custom Theme updates
  • Quarterly website reviews & suggestions
  • Monthly Speed Testing & Tweaks

Automated Maintenance - $18/month

All of our normal maintenance plans include human-run and human-checked updates of your website. But, we understand that some people may run low-traffic sites and not need the peace of mind that comes with having a real person run their updates.

Automated maintenance updates mean a full backup of your website is taken, then updates are run, and a report on the updates (and success/failure) is sent to a real human immediately after.

So we also offer a low-cost automated maintenance plan that pays for itself. If you were to pay for these items by themselves, you’d be paying $20/month or more, plus you’d have to configure everything yourself and you wouldn’t have a developer who knows your website available for additional development work (if you request additional development work that is billed separately).

Note: All sites on automated must have client provided full licenses for any paid plugins.

  • Uptime monitoring @ 5 min
  • SSL monitoring
  • Daily Backups
  • Premium Security Setup
  • Daily Security Scans
  • Weekly AUTOMATED WordPress Updates
  • Monthly Report
  • Premium plugin worth $80/year (Solid Security Pro)

Optional Add-ons

Which plan level is right for you?

General guidelines: 

  • If your website has custom code, then you are only eligible for Extra TLC
  • If your website has membership, eCommerce, event calendar, or other extended functionality you are only eligible for Standard or Extra TLC
  • If your website doesn’t fall into either category above, then you eligible for any plan level

Automated Plan: Our automated plan is for simple websites whose owners want a low-cost maintenance plan. All sites on this plan must have full licenses for any premium plugins or themes which allow for automatic update.

Lite Plan: Our lite plan is designed for simpler websites whose owners want peace of mind. This is a great choice if your site is mostly informational or a blog and you won’t be asking for regular modifications to it.

The lite plan is only available for websites which do NOT have extended functionality (eCommerce, membership, forums, custom themes, custom plugins etc).

Standard Plan: Our standard plan is designed for most businesses. This is a great choice for most business websites. WooCommerce sites are allowed on this plan, however, you must understand that staging sites will NOT be used to test updates.

Extra TLC Plan: Our Extra TLC plan is designed for WordPress sites with WooCommerce, membership or custom themes that need a staging site for some updates. With it you get WooCommerce, membership or custom theme updates done and tested on a staging site before deploying them to your live site.

This plan does require that your hosting supports 1-click staging sites. If you’d like staging used for updates but your hosting does not include 1-click staging sites, ask us about an additional charge for setting up & maintaining staging for you.

If you have a custom theme or customized child theme, reasonable updates to keep the site current with WordPress core and your plugins will be taken. However, if your theme requires a significant amount of changes for an update in WordPress or your plugins, that will be quoted separately.

Is anything else included?


In addition to the services above, several premium plugins are included:

  • Solid Security Pro (worth $80/year)
  • Advanced Custom Fields Pro (worth $49/year) on everything except automated maintenance
  • SEOPress Pro plugin (worth $49/year) on everything except automated maintenance
  • Fluent Forms Pro (worth $59/year) on everything except automated maintenance
  • Fortress Security (worth $125/year) on Standard & Extra TLC
  • FacetWP (worth $99/year) on Standard and Extra TLC
  • Imagify image optimization (worth $60/year) on Standard and Extra TLC
  • WP Rocket (worth $49/year) on everything except automated maintenance
  • PerfMatters (worth $25/year) on Standard and Extra TLC
  • Mailgun transactional email processing
  • Select other premium plugins are also available (plugins and availability vary)

Got more questions about maintenance plans?

Want to sign up for a maintenance plan, but have a few a questions first? You can schedule a call to discuss them!

What if I want more than just maintenance?

Many of our clients don’t want the hassle or headache of making content changes to their site or want routine work related to their website. This can include a wide variety of tasks, such as a few design updates to adding eCommerce functionality to your website. We also do full website remodels and brand new website builds. 

Additional development time besides what is included in your plan is billed at the hourly rate of $90/hr and sent as separate invoice at the end of the month.

If you need on-call availability (8am-10pm ET) or priority work (either due to a high demand website or a special event that you are running), that is available at $60/day which includes daily website checks. Requests for on-call availability must be at least 3 business days in advance and do require approval from Anphira.

Frequently Asked Questions

Company XYZ can offer cheaper rates because most of their work is off-loaded to people in countries where $5-10/hr is a livable wage. Anphira only works with experienced professionals in the US. For example, if you need a couple of blog posts added every month, we’d make sure that the same person added them every month, and the same person QA’d them every month. With Company XYZ, it would most likely be a different person doing it every time and there would be no QA process to review the work.

Included is updates to WordPress core, themes, and plugins. If a license is required for the theme or plugin updates and it’s not in the Premium plugins we include, then you will be responsible for paying for any needed license fees.

What isn’t included is if the theme or plugins have changes which require 15 minutes or more of updates to your site to implement the changes needed to go with the update. Also not included are if a plugin or theme you are using is no longer supported and needs replacement. Again, if it needs 15 min or more of work, then you’ll be billed separately for that.

For sites on automated maintenance, no time is included for work on if you were affected by a theme or plugin change.

When you have questions about your site just send us an email at [email protected], a few quick questions a month are covered in all plans. We try to reply to questions within 1 business day.

If you want to have a phone call and discuss your site, then you can use the phone call scheduler at our support page.

With our monthly plans, you can cancel anytime. With discounted quarterly plans, we don’t offer refunds for unused portions of the term (so select monthly billing if you want flexibility).
Of course! Just contact us and let us know what your updated needs are. We can make most plan changes effective immediately and apply your current account credit to the new plan.

We work with many Linux cPanel and Managed WordPress hosting companies. Some examples of companies we work with a lot: CloudwaysFlywheel, GridPane, Kinsta, and WP Engine

A couple of examples of hosting companies we don’t work with: Anyone on a third-party reseller account, 1&1, BlueHost, FastComet, GoDaddy, Inmotion Hosting, NameCheap’s EasyWP, Network Solutions, SiteGround, Dreamhost, Web24, JaguarPC, and ReadyHosting.

What if you are on a prohibited hosting company but want to move hosting? If you are currently hosted with a company that we don’t work with, then your only option to work with Anphira is to move hosting. If you want to move hosting, we will work with you for a month during which we can get you moved to a new provider.

We have discounts for quarterly billing. We also offer discounts if you have more than 5 WordPress sites that you want to be maintained.

We accept most major credit cards and PayPal, and have autopay as an option. Invoices are sent out on the 15th of the month and you have until the 1st to pay. For example, an invoice dated January 15th would be for services in the month of February and payment would be due by February 1st in order to ensure service.

Upwork clients: If you already have a contract with Anphira through Upwork, we only do quarterly billing for maintenance plans and there are additional Upwork fees.

There is a $80 setup fee for all new maintenance plans unless we built the site or recently performed one-time maintenance on it. If your website is found to be severely out of date, in complete disarray, or hacked then this fee will be higher. Determination of fee is at the sole discretion of Anphira, LLC and you will be informed if there is a higher fee and allowed to cancel if you don’t wish to pay it.