We work with several agencies who need PSD to WordPress design on a regular basis. In fact, we’ve done hundreds of PSD to WordPress conversions.
Pricing for PSD to WordPress starts at $900.
Here’s what sets us apart from others.
What is our PSD to WordPress service?
Unlike most PSD to WordPress companies, we don’t deliver themes.
If you’re looking for a theme that you’ll put all of your own content into, then go talk to the other guys. They’ll code you a theme to just your look which may or may not get thrown away in 1 year when you can’t make any edits to your site without hours of coding.
Why do we say that a custom theme will be thrown away in 1 year? Because that’s the time we usually get contacted to throw out your old theme.
We deliver completed, launched, websites.
We work with you to deliver a finished website. When the site is live on the internet, that’s our definition of PSD to WordPress completed. It’s also our intention that your site continues to work for your business or your client’s business moving forward.
We don’t hardcode it so that the slider can only go in one location, and that second row has to have 3 columns. Businesses change, needs change, and websites need to be able to change. That’s why we use page builders and plugins to complete your site so that you can actually change it in the future.
Things we will do
Outsourcing a PSD to WordPress project can be challenging and you can get wildly different results depending on who builds it. Here is the list of things we do to ensure that you get a quality product that isn’t going to break in 5 minutes.
- We use quality themes and build into page builders and/or child themes. This way you can get regular updates moving forward.
- We use major and well-supported plugins which allow for easy editing of your pages.
- We set up security for your new website (unlike most other folks) with a properly licensed security plugin.
- We actually have a QA process and cross-test browsers and devices.
And probably the most important difference with what we do: we don’t deliver you a theme, we deliver a finished website. And it’s a website that that’s designed to actually have changes moving forward (because in 6 months you will have new content and you’ll want to add two more rows to your homepage or create a new services page).
We have many agencies who we’ve delivered websites for and continue to work with that agency 5+ years later. We don’t want to have to fix websites later, so we spend extra care to make sure they can be easily updated for years to come.
Overview of the Process
You talk to your client and find out what their site needs. Your designer makes a PSD and you review that for your client needs and get it approved for the build. You contact us (you can feel free to contact us sooner or use our 10 steps to plan a website to help you work with your client to nail down what they actually need).
- We review the PSD as well as the other requirements for the new website and you clarifying questions, and we give you a final quote & invoice.
- You pay the invoice and get on the schedule.
- If it’s a conversion of a current WP site, you provide us access to that site so we can copy out needed information.
- We get to work building on a white-label domain or on your hosting (limitations apply). This can be just a week, or it can be over a month depending on the complexity and size of the finished site.
- Small sites can frequently be finished in 1-2 scheduled build days.
- We QA the site and then send it to you for review.
- You let us know if you need a few small tweaks (a few small tweaks are included, redesigning pages you will be billed extra for).
- The site gets delivered (.zip of the WordPress site or install into Flywheel, WPEngine, Kinsta, or Cloudways).
What’s included
The following is included standard with our PSD to WordPress:
- Security setup
- Transactional email & email logging (setup of service & fees associated with transactional email service are yours to pay)
- Responsive website
- Hosting on white-label domain during development so you can see the site as it progresses
- An obsessive number of checklists & procedures that are followed
- A 404 page
- 301 redirects if needed
- Yoast SEO or RankMath install & configuration
- Adding of your supplied tracking codes
- Adding agreed upon content
- Build documentation (yes, we actually document custom functionality so that you can know what happened)
- QA on major pages of your site
- 30 days of support (limited to the original design, and doesn’t cover things you break)
Things we won’t do
Sometimes it’s not the things someone does that set them apart, but things they won’t do. Here’s our list:
- We won’t outsource to non-US citizens – this means your private information stays in the US. It also means everyone who works on your project has English as their first language.
- We won’t custom build a theme. Why not? Because it’s bad for the longevity of your website. We have cleaned up countless websites built with custom themes that are just no longer sustainable.
- We won’t import theme demos leaving with you a bunch of junk content.
- We won’t give you unlimited revisions. You brought the PSD, we had discussions and you agreed to the build. If your client wants to waffle back and forth about the shade of orange 15 times (yes, this has happened and yes the end result was the original shade of orange), then you will be billed for that.
- We won’t accept the project if it’s not a good fit. We don’t claim to be able to do absolutely everything under the sun. If we scope your project and it’s not a good fit or we can’t deliver in your timeline, we’ll tell you. That way neither of us wastes time and energy on a project that won’t work.
Some PSD to WordPress examples




Want a specific quote?
Pricing for PSD to WordPress starts at $900.
Send us a note! Feel free to put a link to your PSD(s) on Dropbox in the message box!
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