Check If Your Website is Accessible With a Quick Audit

What is an accessibility quick audit?

An accessibility audit consists of automated and manual testing to give your website a score on how well you meet the basic needs of people with disabilities using assistive technologies.

A quick audit is a short evaluation that basically answers the question, “how good, bad, or ugly is the web page for someone with a disability?”.

It is a great way to get started with accessibility as it identifies high-impact areas that make a real difference to your website visitors.

It also includes a 15 minute Zoom call to review the report and go over how the items identified actually impact real people.

It answers the question “where do I start” by giving you an actionable list of to-dos.

What is the difference vs a traditional comprehensive audit?

A comprehensive audit is a detailed audit of your entire website for meeting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.1 level AA guidelines. It can frequently take weeks to produce and comes with a price tag of $1,000 – $10,000. The documents produced can range from 20 to well over 100 pages. Many companies which have gone for a comprehensive audit have ended up abandoning their accessibility initiative because the process was just too daunting.

What is the advantage of a quick audit over a comprehensive one?

The first is cost.

The second is time.

A quick audit is only $99, done in under a week, and will give you a list of actionable items you can get started on immediately.

A quick audit will identify issues that are shared by a lot of pages. Issues such as website fonts, colors, header, and footer are common across the majority of pages on a standard website. With the results of a quick audit, many businesses can tackle over half of the accessibility issues that their website has.

Instead of a massive report which can seem like an impossible task, a quick audit produces a short report and actionable items which can make a real impact on visitors to your website. Getting a quick audit will allow you to make fast progress on issues. If you do get a comprehensive report in the future, it’s going to be a lot shorter, have a lot fewer issues, and frequently costs a lot less.

What’s included in the scope?

Our quick accessibility audit covers the following criteria identified by the department of justice as important for your website meeting digital accessibility under the ADA as well as items present in many lawsuits.

  1. Accessibility Statement.
  2. Accessible cookie statement & privacy policy.
  3. Proper alt text on images.
  4. Proper labels on form inputs.
  5. Proper links and link states.
  6. Clear keyboard focus state.
  7. Page titles & headings.
  8. Color contrast for text.
  9. Text sizing with zoom.
  10. Skip link for keyboard users.
  11. Navigable menu for keyboard users.
  12. No autoplay.
  13. Closed captions & transcripts.
Woman using a checklist to review a website for accessibility

Included in the audit process is keyboard testing. Screen reader users as well as those with physical or cognitive disabilities use the keyboard to navigate web content. We also use standard accessibility tools to check for issues that affect those with low vision.

When should you perform a website accessibility audit?

Today. We always recommend starting as early as possible with accessibility. Poor design decisions made early in the website design & development process can result in thousands of dollars of additional expense in remediating accessibility issues. In many cases, the most cost-effective solution for remediating a website with a high number of issues was changing the website’s theme.

Regular testing should be part of your organization’s accessibility strategy. It helps to reduce your legal risk, and can give you a competitive advantage. After all, if you had a disability, would you rather visit a business that made things easy for you or one that made them difficult?

Book your audit